Foundations of Executive Coaching: Understanding effective goal-setting

When it comes to executive coaching, Vistage Master Chair Tom Cuthbert believes that to achieve goals, you must make them visible. And having a community of like-minded CEO peers to hold you accountable elevates the effectiveness of goal setting.
Cuthbert says every member in his Vistage group shares their goals monthly in peer meetings and during one-on-one sessions, celebrating wins when people achieve things they didn’t know they could and encouraging do-overs because no one will achieve every goal.
“Trajectory is more important than achievement,” Cuthbert says, so if you’re better today than yesterday, you’re making progress. With a commitment to goal setting and accountability, Cuthbert helps CEOs exceed their wildest expectations personally and professionally.
Here, Cuthbert delves into the goal-setting process he follows and highlights how one member used it to scale up their organization from one to 12 companies.
If you’re interested in learning more about executive coaching, then check out our free Foundations of Executive Coaching course.