SUMMER 2024Navigating Growth

In this issue we celebrate the UK’s longest-standing member of 32 years Jonathan Eddy and his inspiring story of ageless wisdom.

Strategy is the lifeblood of an organisation. It’s about vision and knowing what to do and what not to do. Setting your organisation’s growth strategy as CEO is critically important and often intimidating. In this issue, we look at Vistage members who embarked on strategic planning with different approaches but equal rigour. You’ll meet a second-generation CEO in Douglassville, Pennsylvania, who unlocked growth in the family’s crane manufacturing business by creating a culture of grit, innovation and leadership development. Summer 2024 – Navigating Growth

WINTER 2023 – Hops and dreams

In this issue we celebrate you, the CEOs and owners of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) who grow your companies, solve challenges and create jobs — all while making your communities stronger. SMBs truly are the engines of the economy.

On the following pages, you’ll learn about an entrepreneur whose sustainable bath products company has grown revenue by 150% and blazed trails for workers with disabilities; a for-profit Navajo business whose focus on mission helped it double in size, generating more jobs and economic development; and a thriving Boston brewery where a new employee ownership model has led to increased engagement, retention and a business built to endure.

You’ll find impactful stories of members sharing their advice and solutions with peers through our global online Networks, and a member who rejected retirement twice before finally finding his “calling” as a Chair. – Winter 2023 Hops and dreams

SUMMER 2023 – Paving the way to success

In this issue of Perspectives, you’ll see how several
members have extended this philosophy to their organisations by developing their leaders. Regardless of the approach they’ve chosen — internal training programmes, apprenticeship models or purpose-built leadership development programmes — they’ve increased their bottom line and employee satisfaction.

We’ll also share how a one-time micromanager became one
of the top-performing CEO coaches in the world; how a CEO
found solutions to her worst nightmare; and what life looks like for three Vistage members after selling their businesses.
(Spoiler alert: It looks pretty good!)

We hope the following pages provide fresh perspectives,
inspiration and insights that you can take to your business
and discuss with your peer group. Summer 2023 – Paving the way to success