
Marcus Buckingham on flourishing

What does it really mean when people say, “I loved that company, that book, that team, that manager, that teacher….” asks global researcher and New York Times bestselling author Marcus Buckingham. 

Drawing from his two decades of research, Buckingham defines this type of love as, “the deep and unwavering commitment to the flourishing of a human.”

“When you think about the best teacher you ever had, when you say ‘I loved him,’ it’s because on some level he convinced you that your flourishing was the point. Not the paper or the grades,” he says. “He made you feel like you were the moral starting point of it all.”

The same is true in business. When people say they had the best manager, it’s because those managers make those they lead feel like they weren’t getting work done through their people, they were getting people done through work. 

“You’re flourishing was the point even if they were tough with you,” he says. “Tough love is still love.”

In this clip, Buckingham explains how CEOs can lead companies to flourish through love. 


Related Resources

Full presentation from Marcus Buckingham, (Vistage members only)

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