
10 branding resolutions for 2016

With 2016 well underway, you have likely already considered the personal resolutions you will focus on in the New Year: more time for yourself, focusing on your health and wellness, or spending more time with loved ones. But, have you considered what resolutions your brand should have? In anticipation of setting up a year of growth, Dennis Bilen, Partner and CMO at Chief Outsiders shares the 10 Branding Resolutions you should adhere to in 2016:

  1. Identify a singular brand promise that you can deliver consistently and will differentiate you.
  2. Find a point of differentiation that is relevant and motivating to your target, and make it one that you can “own.” This should be something you can make yours and yours only (even a trait you share with your competitors can be conveyed in a unique way and owned).
  3. Build your marketing strategy as an extension of your brand strategy. Similarly, your brand strategy is an extension of your business strategy.
  4. Communicate your brand promise consistently across media platforms and over time.
  5. Bring your brand promise inside your organization through company culture, organizational structure and incentive programs.
  6. Make sure every employee and associate understands how their role impacts the brand promise.
  7. Consider branding your process for project management or customer service. Branding the “how you do” can be more impactful and differentiating than the actual product or service you deliver (the “what you do”).
  8. Understand that your brand is much more than your logo and your tag line. It is the underlying promise behind all that you do.
  9. Monitor the ongoing relevance of your brand and cautiously and carefully modify it only when required. Too radical or too frequent modifications will not be credible and will result in confusion.
  10. Think of your brand as your company’s spine, not its face.

Category : Marketing

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Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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