
Boost your sales with a high-performing digital marketing funnel

How can companies effectively engage their prospective customers by using digital technologies — specifically digital marketing funnels — to nurture leads and grow sales? This webinar will answer that question and more. Learn how to use marketing automation to guide prospective customers through their buying journey with your company.

Your prospects are using the internet and various digital channels to research your company before they buy. These prospects want to remain anonymous while they research and only wish to speak with a salesperson when they are ready. This lack of contact with a dedicated salesperson requires effective digital nurturing strategies to guide them in their journey to becoming a customer.

In this engaging and highly relevant marketing workshop, Vistage speaker Thomas Young will present proven techniques to increase leads and grow sales through effective digital lead nurturing strategies. The webinar will identify the foundations to put digital funnels in place, get more leads and measure the results.

What you will get from this webinar

  • The clear benefits of implementing a digital marketing funnel
  • How to develop a digital nurturing strategy to keep in touch with thousands of prospects
  • The seven best touch points in your digital funnel
  • Strategies for driving results from each touch point
  • How to automate digital marketing practices to improve ROI
  • Identifying the digital apps and tools available
  • How to measure ROI and overall results
  • Tips on selecting and building a team to execute on these strategies
  • How to keep it simple and get buy-in


Thomas Young is the Founder and President of Intuitive Websites, a digital marketing agency based in Denver, Colorado. Thomas is an award-winning Vistage speaker and has helped thousands of Vistage members improve results from their digital marketing efforts. He has been reviewing and improving Vistage member websites for 19 years.


Category : Marketing

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About the Author: Thomas Young

As president and owner of Intuitive Websites, Tom has established himself as a leader in understanding how prospective customers use websites, and has helped his clients create well-designed, user-friendly experiences that positively enga

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