Talent Management

Developing your company’s talent pool

“You need sales pipelines for your candidates.” — TalenTrust CEO Kathleen Quinn Votaw

Always Be Cultivating

According to the Vistage Worldwide Guide to Talent Planning for the Middle Market CEO, a company should constantly fill its pool of talent with likely prospects for a variety of roles. This is a solid strategy to address the number-one concern of CEOs: hiring and keeping great employees.

As a Talent Planning Guide contributor and CEO of TalenTrust, Kathleen Quinn Votaw advises companies to break with the status quo and approach hiring as an ongoing sales strategy. Using sales-pipeline techniques can help maintain your company’s readiness to fill key positions or build robust teams in response to market trends. Here, she discusses the benefits of the talent planning ABCs: Always Be Cultivating.

Read more on this topic: Build the talent planning process you need — but don’t overbuild.

Are you a Vistage member? Watch the full version of Kathleen Quinn Votaw’s remarks on Vistage Studio.

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About the Author: Kathleen Quinn Votaw

Kathleen Quinn Votaw is Founder and CEO of TalenTrust and KQV Speaks. She is the author of two books, Solve

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