Business Growth & Strategy

Are you living your life on purpose? 

Are you clear about what really matters to you?

Are you looking to optimise both your professional and your personal life? 

These are topics that Dr Tharaka Gunarathne – normally known simply as Dr T – is passionate about. A doctor for nearly 20 years and specialising in psychiatry, he now dedicates most of his time to helping business leaders, managers and teams to better understand the connection between the brain and business activity to improve both performance and their quality of life. 

We caught up with Dr T before his May 8th Vistage event – Live Your Life on Purpose – to learn more about what he’ll be covering. 

What does it mean to “live your life on purpose”?

Every experienced business leader is accustomed to certain actions. Setting goals, achieving targets and climbing the ladder to success are nothing new. 

But what happens if you climb that ladder only to realise that it’s leaning up against the wrong wall? 

“It can happen”, says Dr T. “You may have invested all your time and energy into moving forward and achieving things in life, but you’ve forgotten about yourself, and what really matters to you.”

The concept of living your life on purpose, he says, still sees you using your skills in building businesses, leading teams and being successful. However, it requires you to start with the end game in mind. 

“It’s about reverse-engineering your life around what really matters to you, and working out how to get there”, Dr T explains. “What do you need to invest your time in so that you build a life with no regrets?”

This should cover not only your business itself, but also your health, your mindset, your relationships, your hobbies and your experiences in this world. “High performance studies show that when you look after both your professional and your personal life together, you experience better outcomes in terms of your financial outcome, your health, your wellbeing and your relationships”, he says. 

How do you really measure success?

Your business will have a number of metrics that determine how successful it is – and rightly so. “There’s so much weight put on your professional success, though”, says Dr T, “which means the more hidden metrics of success in other parts of your life can often be neglected.”

These can include metrics focusing on the success of your relationships, your energy, your endurance, your overall mental health – and even how you wish to spend your time as you become more senior in your business. 

“Being a successful business leader isn’t just about being successful in your business”, he clarifies. “It’s about making sure you’re fulfilled in yourself.”

Why you should attend Dr T’s Vistage session…

Those attending Dr T’s session on May 8th will take away a range of techniques and frameworks. These will include:

  • His personal-professional life symbiosis model, which explains how to manage energy, edge and endurance
  • How to obtain a helicopter view of all the places you are spending energy and effort in your life, and how to optimise this for better outcomes
  • The science-based fivefold wellbeing framework known as SWANS, which enhances mental fitness.

“The session is aimed at ambitious business leaders who recognise that being a successful business leader is about more than just working on your business”, says Dr T. “It’ll give you science-based practical tools that you can apply straight away and give yourself a plan over the next 90 days, as well as the rest of this year.”
Sounds good? Click here to register for Dr T’s Vistage event – Live Your Life on Purpose – which takes place on May 8th.

Category : Business Growth & Strategy

About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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