
Vistage’s evolution: Meeting the needs of high-integrity leaders

Perspectives Fall 2022

The stories in this special issue of Vistage Perspectives magazine feature CEO members who have leveraged new ways of working to grow, faced the challenges of running family-owned businesses and found a rewarding life after the C-suite. And learn how Vistage evolved from an eight-person meeting in 1957 to the world’s largest executive coaching and peer advisory organization. 

In this issue, we celebrate our founding 65 years ago and those who helped Vistage become the organization it is today.  

First TEC Group

Bob Nourse (bottom, second from left) with the first peer advisory group in 1957.

The Climb to 65 and Beyond

TEC/Vistage Founder Robert “Bob” Nourse had one mission when he held that first meeting in a Milwaukee conference room — to help solve each other’s problems. Vistage’s journey to 65 has been — and continues to be — defined by the unwavering purpose of helping high-integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, families and communities.

The Key to Hybrid Accountability and Performance

Jill Mayer Bead Industries CEO Jill Mayer realized the pandemic would revolutionize how her staff worked. Despite her initial concerns about remote work, Jill embraced the hybrid model, and it revolutionized the company, paying off through greater profitability and efficiency. “When we came out of the pandemic, we were stronger,” she says. 

When Uncommon Sense is the Best Move

Nathan FarrugiaAs a Vistage Chair (CEO coach), Nathan Farrugia exemplifies the calculated risks leaders must take to build resilient businesses. It’s a lesson he learned as a child when doctors suggested he spend his childhood shuttered indoors. Going against “common sense,” the former kid with asthma inspires leaders to win corporate races that would leave others breathless.

Elizabeth Waltman Life After the Sale

Take a look behind the scenes of life after the C-suite. Three Vistage members share their stories of selling their businesses, leaving the daily grind and starting a new life. Choosing “rewirement” over retirement, they’re spending more time with family, making room for fun and discovering joyful work in a new role.

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About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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