What do the world’s most successful CEOs have in common?

There are many things that contribute to a CEO’s success. Determination, confidence, knowledge and experience go, of course, without saying.
However, there are also habits that you can practise every day: habits that, if consistently practised, can transform you from a good leader into a legendary one.
We’ve revealed these habits in our latest report: The 6 Habits of World-Class CEOs. Read on for a preview of what to expect – and details of how to download the report for free.
The six habits of successful CEOs
While we call them “habits”, these aren’t just habits. They are systems, processes and routines that, when consistently practised, will help you to achieve your goals.
They are habits that can help you to maintain focus, lead teams and make decisions. They are habits that can foster innovation, and help you tackle the unpredictable to promote organisational stability.
But what exactly are these habits?
We’ve divided them into six categories:
- Focus on What Matters Most
- Prioritise Productivity
- Invest in Your Health
- Learn for a Lifetime
- Collaborate Intentionally
- Embrace Accountability
While every CEO’s journey, experiences and challenges are different, these six categories are universal. The habits you embrace within these categories, though, may differ from those embraced by your peers.
When it comes to a focus on what matters most, some CEOs might create theme days: Mondays for strategy, Tuesdays for marketing, for example. Others might block out time in their calendars for priorities instead of making to-do lists.
When it comes to learning for a lifetime, some may use frameworks such as the Performance Triangle, while others may schedule monthly coffee chats with people they can learn from – carving out regular time for learning and creativity.
We all know that investing in your health can have a positive impact on your productivity and performance, but every CEO will approach this differently. You may be a gym-goer who can focus on strength training, you may prioritise healthy eating, or, if troubled sleep is a problem, may decide to focus on your sleep hygiene.
Embracing these habits is important. What’s also important is to make these habits yours.
Why should I download the report?
Staying fit and healthy requires you to develop healthy habits.
Acquiring a new language requires you to make learning a habit.
To maintain perfect teeth, you need good dental hygiene habits.
The process of transforming from a good CEO to a great one is no different. The challenge is in identifying which habits are needed, how to implement them, and the difference they will make.
Our new guide does all of the above.
In this guide you’ll discover four to five suggested habits within each of the six categories, alongside questions to ask yourself to determine whether you could approach each category differently.
Are you ready to join the world’s most successful CEOs? To download the full report, free of charge, click here.