Personal Development

Addressing the root causes of stress in yourself and others

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As we move deeper into 2020, stress levels – at the individual, organizational, and societal levels – increasingly appear to be reaching a breaking point. Everyone is struggling with something – and understandably so.

Leaders face the challenge of addressing their own sources of stress in addition to understanding and managing employee and family member stress. Vistage speaker and research psychologist Dr. Eve Meceda discusses:

  • The root causes of stress
  • How to apply specific strategies for reducing stress at individual and organizational levels

About the presenter

Dr. Eve Meceda is a research psychologist, author, consultant and award-winning speaker, including a recipient of the 2016 Vistage Speaker of the Year award. She has spent the past two decades working with client organizations in 18 countries to develop a “growth mindset.” A key outcome of this work is helping people shift from the desire to prove how good they already are to the development of an obsession with learning, effort and improvement.

Category : Personal Development

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About the Author: Eve Meceda

After obtaining her Ph.D. in social psychology at the University of Michigan, Dr. Eve Meceda has spent more than a decade working with several leading research and consulting firms, partnering with Fortune 500 and

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