Talent Management

Use Gamification and Digital Signage to Keep Work Interesting: Score IS Being Kept

gamificationMany of you are embarking on gamification initiatives to increase employee engagement, productivity and morale. But sometimes people are leaving out the public display of the game results: the scoreboard. That’s where the fruitful marriage of internal communications with digital signage and gamification come together. You are already are communicating with your employees via email, social media, and other one-to-one tools, put boosters on your gamification by adding strategically placed and frequently updated digital signs.

Getting started with gamification score boarding need not be expensive nor require specialized equipment and consultants. You can easily find examples of gamification in your workplace, in B2C applications, and throughout your life. Successful gamification relies on game designs that leverage people’s natural desires for competition, status, altruism, achievement, self-expression, and closure. According to gamification guru Yu-kai Chou:

Gamification is the craft of deriving all the fun and addicting elements found in games and applying them to real-world or productive activities. This is what I call “Human-Focused Design” as opposed to the “Function-Focused Design.” It’s a design process that optimizes for the human in the system, as opposed to pure efficiency of the system.

Based on this definition, most companies have the tools in place to roll out gamification for employee engagement. Adding the Game Scoreboards to the content displayed by your digital signage system, enables businesses with multiple locations use to show real-time results in common areas and shop floors across the company. These displays can easily be used to promote games that bring everyone together to motivate, inform and compete to fulfill important company goals or charitable activities or more. Your imagination is the limit.

Experts agree that employee productivity is a particularly ripe area where gamification can bring benefits to the workplace. Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards have been shown to increase employee motivation and engagement. Gartner reports that by 2014 more than 70% of Global 2000 organizations will use gamification in their businesses.

The common thread among techniques for improving employee engagement – from incentive-based pay to programs that support healthy work/life balance – is always the same: how do we want our team to feel when it is most productive, and what can we do to get them there? Gamification with public scoreboards is focused on applying proven motivational techniques so that companies can drive more sales, stronger collaboration, better ROI, deeper loyalty and higher customer satisfaction. And that’s a game we all want to win.

Category: Talent Management

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About the Author: Rick Mattock

Rick Mattock is the Senior Vice President of Product Marketing at RMG Networks, which helps brands and organizations communicate more effectively using location-based video networks.

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